My goal for this essay is to increase my word count and to create better transitions between my ideas. To do that I will need to elaborate more on the ideas that I have already written in my free draft. Then I need to add more content to my essay that was mentioned in the prompt that I hadn’t included in my free draft. Once I do those two things my word count should be at a good amount. And once I explain the ideas I already have more then my ideas should flow better, also after the addition of transitions between the ideas and paragraphs. My biggest challenge that I might face is including different kinds of media into my essay. So far I have just two pictures. I also plan on including hyperlinks to some basic ideas and to the articles I am citing. I am not sure what I am going to do for my third type of media. If there is a challenge that was unforeseen that comes up then I will see Professor Emerson about it. If there is a technical issue with the blog I know that I can visit the DigiSpace in Decary.